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Whatsapp Chat Analyzer and Context Based Searching

GitHub Open Notebook

Here we have created a web application to analyze Whatsapp group chats. The Web application can generate the following statistics from exported group chat (*.txt file)

  1. The most used words (in past n number of days).
  2. Most Active members (in past n number of days).
  3. Anomalies in message counts.
  4. Username Based searching.
  5. Context Based searching.

It is fully capable of handaling lots of text messages in a very less amount of time. Because we've used traditional ML methods to optimize the text file input into a tabular format using RegEx and Pandas. After we've used Spacy for Named Entity Recognition and stopping words deletion. Then using Flask we've taken query from frontend (Made with React by @ToukirAhmedKhan) and by using KNN we've served the context based searched results.