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About Me

My name is Soumyadip Bhattacharjya

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I've been Coding Python for 3+ years and I jumped into ML and DL 2 years ago, since then I love this field and try to learn as much as I can. I am most interested in Full Stack Machine Learing Projects with industry standard tools to Make ML powered apps which is capable of serving Millions of users


  1. Studying MCA from Techno India University, Kolkata, India
  2. Graduated with Physics Honours from Calcutta University, Kolkata, India

Tools and Libraries

Programming Languages

C C++ JavaScript Python

Libraries for ML

PyTorch NumPy Matplotlib Pandas scikit-learn Plotly Flask Django FastAPI OpenCV Poetry


MongoDB MySQL Postgres SQLite Redis

Tools for MLOps

Azure Google Cloud Docker Kubernetes Prometheus Jenkins GitHub Actions Apache Kafka Apache Spark

Hosting Services

Github Pages Netlify DigitalOcean

Editors and IDEs

Neovim Jupyter Lab Visual Studio Code PyCharm

Productivity tools

Krita Notion Google Drive


Hashnode Medium Substack


I started coding during my Physics practical lessons (we had to use python and scipy for Calculus and Linear Algebra) Then I explored on my own and liked it. Since then I spend most of time learning and applying them into projects. As most of the people in tech naturally starts to code from very beginning of their education, I have always felt left behind (though this is not a competition), so I have spent minimum 6 hours a day for coding and watching other people's code on github, kaggle or blog posts. Till now I do the same everyday. Recently I started a Project - Deep Learning Simplified, I want to make a beginners' one stop place for leanring from Machine Learning Basics to Launching ML Apps into production.


Some of the keypoints about me

  1. I like to organise things (only inside PC)
  2. I like to automate stuff.
  3. I work hard not for some goals, I like it
  4. I like to struggle building a logic
  5. Although I have a hurry in getting a job mostly I get fascinated and try to learn other stuffs which are of no need (like *programming in Elixer*)